Do you have the black washer rubber? We have the solution

Do you have the black washer rubber? We have the solution

The washing machine is one of the most important appliances in the home, as it allows us to keep all our clothes clean and hygienic quickly and easily. However, periodically it requires its own cleaning process, especially when the rubber of the washing machine turns black and moldy.

In general terms, all the equipment and devices we have at home must go through a cleaning and maintenance process that guarantees their proper functioning. In this sense, properly cleaning the rubber of the washing machine is a decisive task when it comes to ensuring effective washing of clothes.

Everyday use of the washing machine tends to accumulate a large amount of dirt on the rubber, generating a dark tone, as well as an unpleasant layer of mold. A hygiene problem that can affect our clothes, so it is essential to clean the black and moldy rubber.

washing machine rubber

What is the best formula to clean the rubber in the washing machine?

There are various methods that we can implement to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the washing machine rubber. Therefore, on this occasion, we will detail the best formulas that will help us avoid this type of domestic hygiene problems.

Protect the washing machine from humidity

Although it may sound ironic and inevitable, humidity is the main factor that affects the cleaning of rubber and that we should avoid if possible. A simple and effective preventive formula that we can implement to avoid black and moldy rubber is to leave the washing machine open for a couple of hours after each washing session.

By keeping the washing machine door open for a period of time, there is the possibility of improving air circulation and thus avoiding the concentration of humidity. This method allows the wet interior of the washing machine to dry much faster without accumulating moisture in the dry rubber.

Of course, this is an ideal formula to delay the appearance of bacteria and the formation of mold on the surface of the washing machine rubber.

Disinfection of the washing machine rubber

Despite the great usefulness of the previous advice, black and moldy rubber is a problem that we usually notice when humidity and bacteria have already taken their effect. If the rubber is already an unpleasant and unhygienic black color and the surface has been invaded by mold, it is necessary to apply other measures.

One of the best formulas to eliminate black stains caused by humidity is to clean the rubber with hydrogen peroxide. A very simple disinfection process to carry out and that only requires a completely common product that the vast majority of people usually have at home.

Once we have noticed the black stains and mold on the rubber of the washing machine, we must spray hydrogen peroxide on the surface of the rubber.At intervals of two or three months, it is necessary to carry out this cleaning and disinfection process.

After spraying the hydrogen peroxide on the rubber, we must wait for a period of one hour for the liquid to generate its disinfecting effect on the bacteria in the rubber. After this time, we pour a few glasses of water to remove the hydrogen peroxide and avoid its contact with clothing.

Cleaning the washing machine rubber with bleach

Another method that we can apply to guarantee the cleanliness of the washing machine rubber and avoid dirt on our clothes is the use of bleach. To do this, we only have to mix four parts of water with one of bleach, and place the mixture in a spray bottle.

We must not forget to use gloves to avoid skin irritation due to the effect of bleach. We must spray the bleach mixture with the spray bottle on the black and moldy rubber of the washing machine, let it take effect for at least 60 minutes and then remove.

It is important not to leave traces of bleach, as otherwise we can cause damage to the clothing. Likewise, through these simple formulas we can guarantee the cleanliness of the washing machine rubber and keep our clothes completely clean.

Home Appliances

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